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Discovering Host-Microbe Interactions to Transform Lives

Decomposition after plant or animal death is an inevitable part of life, but few look beyond the decay to explore this complex and dynamic system. My research is centered on studying the decomposition of organic resources, such as pigs, people, and plants, across ecosystems. Advancing ecological knowledge of decomposing organic materials with genomic and computational tools will ultimately improve and transform livelihoods.

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Jan 2020

BSF Funding. Excited to be part of a collaborative team that received funding from the Michigan State University Alliance for African Partnership! Our team will continue to work towards using insects as alternative feed in Malawi. Our team is working in partnership with local women farmers in Malawi.

June 2019

Want to join the lab?  Interested in a graduate degree involving microbes, insects, and a tropical disease? Graduate students interested are encouraged to contact me to discuss possibilities through a recently funded NSF EEID award. Please see Disease Ecology page for full position description and details. -  POSITION FILLED

June 2019

Welcome! Congratulations to Dr. Deborah Amulen from Makerere University on her recent success to the 2019 Michigan State University Alliance for African Partnership (AAP) African Futures - Early Career Research Fellow Program! I look forward to serving as a co-mentor during the upcoming year at MSU to expand on insect research and development in Uganda.

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Interested in pursuing a degree in Entomology? Check out our department at Michigan State University


Department of Entomology

Michigan State University

243 Natural Science Building

East Lansing, MI 48824



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